Ministerial exchange on the pharmaceutical package at the health EPSCO Council
The EPSCO Council of health ministers took place on 13 June 2023 in Luxembourg. On behalf of Hungary, Péter Takács secretary of state of health attended the meeting.
EPSCO Council - Employment, Social Policy session, Luxembourg, 12 June 2023
The European Semester was once again at the very heart of policy debates within the EPSCO Council. The Ministers discussed the Spring Package and the future of the Social Convergence Framework, where a number of Member States, including Hungary voiced their concerns.
EU to introduce mandatory distribution of migrants between Member States
The European Union would introduce the mandatory distribution of migrants among Member States, and if the relevant legislative process goes through, Member States will have no say in who will live in their territories, Bence Rétvári, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, said in a statement to MTI in Luxembourg on Thursday.
Current agri market disturbances were in the focus at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council in May
Left-wing majority in the European Parliament does not like Hungary's pro-peace stance
The European Parliament wants to prevent Hungary from holding the EU Council presidency in the second half of 2024 because the left-wing majority of the institution does not like Hungary's pro-peace stance, Justice Minister Judit Varga said in Brussels on Tuesday.