
EU proposals that could jeopardise overhead cost reduction measures cannot be supported

The energy council on 17th of October reached an agreement on the electricity market design proposal.
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Environment Council in Luxembourg

The meeting of the environment ministers took place on October 16, 2023 in Luxembourg. At the Council meeting, Hungary was represented by dr. Anikó Raisz, State Secretary for Environmental Protection and Circular Economy.
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The EPSCO Council has been convened again

The Hungarian delegation was represented by Attila Fülöp, State Secretary for Social Policy, at the Employment, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Affairs (EPSCO) Council meeting on 9 October 2023.
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High-Level Conference on a Comprehensive Approach to Mental Health

A hybrid conference titled "Az EU comprehensive approach that prioritises sound mental health for all" was held on the occasion of World Mental Health Day.
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The meeting of the Competitiveness Council on September 25, 2023: The Council adopted its position on the much-discussed Euro 7 regulation

After a lively debate at the meeting of the Competitiveness Council on September 25, the ministers accepted the Council's position regarding the new Euro 7 emission standard for motor vehicles. The final text was supported by the vast majority of member states. The Council - thanks to the active contribution of Hungary in the coalition of 8 like-minded states, proposed a number of pragmatic changes compared to the Commission's proposal, while keeping in mind the environmental and health objectives as well.
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