2 May

Ministers discussed the rapid and structural responses to the current crisis situation in the agricultural sector and agri-trade related issues during their meeting in Luxembourg on 29th April.

Agriculture Commissioner, Janusz Wojciechowski said that the European Parliament has voted in favour on CAP simplification package, therefore it could enter into force in May. The Commissioner recalled the 18 April European Council Conclusions, which stated that farmers need a stable and predictable framework and called the Commission for further simplification proposals. Minister István Nagy stressed the importance to develop medium- and long-term solutions besides the adopted short-term simplification measures.

As regards the agricultural market situation, ministers generally agreed that FTAs are an important tool for economic growth, but sensitive sectors must always be taken into account. On the EU-Ukraine trade relation, István Nagy called for a more balanced approach, which takes into consideration the interest of farmers both in the EU Member States and in Ukraine.

Ministers, furthermore, had an exchange of views on the bioeconomy, which  must stand out at the core of the next European Commission’s work programme.